
Vouivre. Liber Floridus, 1448.
Vouivre. Liber Floridus, 1448.

Voui... what?

I was looking for a name to experiment with Web Ring, so something in ...WR, and Vouivre just came to me.

In English it is called a "Guivre" and I preferred to use the French name.

To find out more, go to Wikipedia.

Friends of the Vouivre

name domain
Siegfried Ehret https://ehret.me
Siegfried Ehret https://sieg.fr

How to la vouivre?

Join the Vouivre!

Once I have added your domain, you will have access to the following links:

  • /previous/example.com for the previous website in the ring
  • /next/example.com for the next website in the ring
  • /random for a random website